Dawn of the Moon



Get 'em up. Get 'em up. Get 'em up, quick!
I'm down with the sound, if you're quick, this is it, listen up!
If you're quick, listen up, this is it, listen up!
Now everybody jumps, now everybody goes
From the tops of your heads to the tips of your toes.
From the depths of your mind, to the roof of your mouth, it's knowledge.
Street college!
Hands up! Stick 'em up. Get 'em up, quick!
I'm down with the sound, if you're quick, this is it, listen not!
It's a trick, listen up, it's a plot! Listen, not!
Now everybody jumps, now everybody goes
From the tops of your heads to the tips of your toes.
Let it mingle.
From the tips of your toes, to the roof of your mouth like a shingle.


Dawn of the moon it's a night so fright'ning
The wind and rain and the thunder and light'ning
Howl at the moon it's the dawn of the dead
So many evil thoughts all traped in your head

Lookin back around, past over your shoulder
One's trailing least in the shadows so cold.
A gust of wind, dynomite. It's one ugly site
You'd better keep on movin on into the night

Everybody ready?
Everybody jump!

By Daniel Bruening 03/16/2004