Adrenalin Rage

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[Verse 1]
Pistons poppin while the bass is droppin.
4/4 time to the beat's hip hoppin.
Diesel and oil. The tires all smokin.
Me on the road on the highway open.
Burn, baby burn. I'm burnin up gas.
Stay outta my way, I'm about to pass.
Six gears two wheels, I'm flyin like lightning.
140, 150, 160, it's frightning!

[Verse 2]
Yellow and black, 600cc.
Alloy cast frame, with a name ticki.
This tool is hot. It's a demon, it's a rocket.
Speed is a door, it's the key to unlock it.
High speed. It's the only choice.
When you've got a death wish, it won't dissapoint.
Lean into the curve, I'm gettin horizontal.
Ninety miles an hour. I think I'm going mental.

Adrenalin rage all locked up in a cage.
It's time right now, it's time to come of age.

[Verse 3]
The dirt track. Your mind's wak.
A broken bone is a minor setback.
Look mom, no hands. Stand straight up and you land like a madman.
Eric Wilson and Travis, gettin high when they're jumpin.
A 125 on the dirt track thumpin.
Whip your heals up with your feet above your head.
One false move, and you're on the ground dead.

Adrenalin rage all locked up in a cage.
It's time right now, it's time to come of age.

By Daniel Bruening 04/23/1999

Tempo 116
Bass 195, 196
016: 16Ballad2JazzKit
GTR 5,6 = V-Amp21B schecter on Bridge w/Tone @75%
Chords E, B-A#-A

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